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What Does ‘Compliance’ Mean in Spanish?

¿Qué significa Compliance en español?

Criminal compliance is a fundamental concept in the business environment referring to regulatory compliance within a company. It involves the implementation of a program of measures and internal controls that help prevent the commission of crimes and criminal risks for both workers and executives of the organization.

Criminal compliance is key in preventing crimes within a company. By establishing policies and procedures that comply with current legal regulations, potential risks of crime commission can be identified and mitigated. This protects the company from being criminally liable for any crimes that may be committed within it and is a fundamental contribution to the company’s good image.

Importance of Regulatory Compliance

Criminal compliance is crucial for preventing the commission of crimes within a company. Implementing an appropriate criminal compliance program can help detect and prevent situations of fraud, corruption, money laundering, corporate crimes, harassment-related offenses, labor crimes, and other crimes that may affect the integrity of the organization depending on its activity.

Article 38 bis and Its Relevance

Article 38 bis of the Spanish Penal Code is of vital importance in the field of criminal compliance, as it establishes that companies can be criminally liable for crimes committed in their name or for their benefit by their legal representatives or employees. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to implement programs of prevention measures and controls to avoid the commission of crimes and protect themselves from potential legal consequences.

Criminal compliance focuses on preventing the commission of crimes within a company. This involves adopting internal policies and procedures that promote business ethics, transparency, and compliance with current legal regulations. By fostering a culture of regulatory compliance, potential risks of crime commission can be identified and mitigated, thus protecting the integrity and reputation of the organization.

Responsibilities of Workers in Criminal Compliance

Within the framework of criminal compliance, workers are responsible for complying with the policies and procedures established by the company to prevent the commission of crimes. It is essential that employees are aware of and respect the organization’s internal regulations and report any suspicious or irregular behavior that may compromise the integrity of the company. Collaboration and commitment from all members of the organization are key to ensuring the success of an effective criminal compliance program.

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